Humphrey Museum Auction #2 ~ Dining, Library and Living Room

Watch Video here: Auction Part 2
Welcome to AUCTION # 2 in our multi-auction event at the Historic Humphrey Museum in Evergreen Colorado! This part focuses on the Dining Room, Library and Living Room. This area has all the antique family sterling silver pieces! Mostly Gorham 19th century. Plus hundreds of sterling spoons from most U.S States. You will find lots of antique brass from the Middle East, lots of antique porcelain from China and Japan, Haviland Limoges china sets, Russian and Indian brass samovars from the 1800s. Furniture from the 1800s hand built by the family. Original Artwork, first edition books, and much much more!
Location: Evergreen Colorado 80439
Preview Date/Time: Online Pictures and YouTube Videos
Pickup Date/Time: Friday Sept 9th and Saturday The 10th~ 10am-4pm daily
Starts: 9/1/2022 7:00:00 AM
Auctions begin to end at: 9/7/2022 7:00:00 PM