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Lot #18 - Christmas Around the World 15" Porcelain Collector Doll, 17" Doll, Lenox 1992 15" Doll
Lot Number: 18 Ask Seller Question
Item Location: Lakewood 80228 - Green Mountain
Preview Date/Time: View photos
Pickup Date/Time: 08/05/2023 10am-3pm
Start Date/Time: 07/26/23 7:00 AM
End Date/Time: 08/02/23 7:09:00 PM
Opening Bid: $5.00
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Auction has ended.


Lot #18 - Christmas Around the World 15" Porcelain Collector Doll, 17" Doll, Lenox 1992 15" Doll


Christmas Around the World 15" Porcelain Collector Doll, missing original hat

17" Porcelain Doll, unknown

15" Lenox 1992 Porcelain Doll. Has a bead and clip ratting around inside head!


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