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Bid History for: Lot #M 116 - Impressive Heavy Weight Sterling Dragonfly Necklace with Purple Amethyst Accent Beads - 16" (74g)
User Time Amount Info
DenverDude 05/31/23 7:36PM $125.00 DenverDude outbid the previous bid by 19Terry50
19Terry50 05/31/23 7:36PM $120.00 Proxy bid was placed for 19Terry50 in response to a bid by DenverDude
19Terry50 05/31/23 7:36PM $116.00 Proxy bid was was placed for 19Terry50 in response to a bid by LorSor
LorSor 05/31/23 7:36PM $111.00 LorSor bid was accepted, but was outbid by 19Terry50 using proxy bid.
19Terry50 05/31/23 7:36PM $106.00 19Terry50 outbid the previous bid by LorSor
LorSor 05/31/23 7:35PM $101.00 LorSor outbid the previous bid by 19Terry50
19Terry50 05/31/23 7:35PM $100.00 Proxy bid was was placed for 19Terry50 in response to a bid by LorSor
LorSor 05/31/23 7:35PM $100.00 LorSor bid was accepted, but was outbid by 19Terry50 using proxy bid.
19Terry50 05/31/23 7:34PM $91.00 Proxy bid was was placed for 19Terry50 in response to a bid by LorSor
LorSor 05/31/23 7:34PM $90.00 LorSor bid was accepted, but was outbid by 19Terry50 using proxy bid.
19Terry50 05/31/23 7:34PM $86.00 Proxy bid was was placed for 19Terry50 in response to a bid by LorSor Lowered the max bid.
LorSor 05/31/23 7:34PM $85.00 LorSor bid was accepted, but was outbid by 19Terry50 using proxy bid.
19Terry50 05/31/23 7:34PM $82.00 Proxy bid was was placed for 19Terry50 in response to a bid by LorSor
LorSor 05/31/23 7:34PM $81.00 LorSor bid was accepted, but was outbid by 19Terry50 using proxy bid.
19Terry50 05/31/23 7:33PM $79.00 Proxy bid was was placed for 19Terry50 in response to a bid by LorSor
LorSor 05/31/23 7:33PM $78.00 LorSor bid was accepted, but was outbid by 19Terry50 using proxy bid.
19Terry50 05/31/23 7:30PM $76.00 19Terry50 raised their max bid.
19Terry50 05/31/23 7:30PM $76.00 19Terry50 outbid the previous bid by LorSor Lowered the max bid.
LorSor 05/31/23 7:29PM $75.00 Proxy bid was placed for LorSor in response to a bid by 19Terry50
LorSor 05/31/23 5:58PM $72.00 Proxy bid was was placed for LorSor in response to a bid by Mt.Mamma
iagtm123 05/31/23 5:58PM $71.00 Mt.Mamma bid was accepted, but was outbid by LorSor using proxy bid.
LorSor 05/31/23 5:58PM $61.00 Proxy bid was was placed for LorSor in response to a bid by Mt.Mamma
iagtm123 05/31/23 5:58PM $60.00 Mt.Mamma bid was accepted, but was outbid by LorSor using proxy bid.
LorSor 05/31/23 3:04PM $55.00 LorSor outbid the previous bid by Vannyd
Vannyd 05/31/23 3:04PM $54.00 Proxy bid was placed for Vannyd in response to a bid by LorSor
Vannyd 05/29/23 10:16AM $51.00 Vannyd outbid the previous bid by amf667203
iagtm123 05/29/23 10:16AM $50.00 Proxy bid was placed for amf667203 in response to a bid by Vannyd
iagtm123 05/29/23 10:15AM $49.00 Proxy bid was was placed for amf667203 in response to a bid by Vannyd
Vannyd 05/29/23 10:15AM $48.00 Vannyd bid was accepted, but was outbid by amf667203 using proxy bid.
iagtm123 05/25/23 8:02AM $30.00 Proxy bid was was placed for amf667203 in response to a bid by Blanche
Blanche 05/25/23 8:02AM $29.00 Blanche bid was accepted, but was outbid by amf667203 using proxy bid.
iagtm123 05/21/23 11:12PM $28.00 amf667203 outbid the previous bid by notnew
notnew 05/21/23 11:12PM $27.00 Proxy bid was placed for notnew in response to a bid by amf667203
notnew 05/21/23 6:54AM $25.00 notnew outbid the previous bid by RchavezND
RchavezND 05/21/23 6:54AM $24.00 Proxy bid was placed for RchavezND in response to a bid by notnew
RchavezND 05/20/23 10:22PM $19.00 Proxy bid was was placed for RchavezND in response to a bid by cassiejhawks
cassiejhawks 05/20/23 10:22PM $18.00 cassiejhawks bid was accepted, but was outbid by RchavezND using proxy bid.
RchavezND 05/20/23 12:04PM $12.00 RchavezND outbid the previous bid by notnew
notnew 05/20/23 10:38AM $11.00 notnew outbid the previous bid by pgschultz55
pgschultz55 05/20/23 10:38AM $10.85 Proxy bid was placed for pgschultz55 in response to a bid by notnew
pgschultz55 05/20/23 9:53AM $5.00 pgschultz55 raised their max bid.
pgschultz55 05/20/23 9:47AM $5.00 pgschultz55 placed the starting bid.
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