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Bid History for: Lot #M 110 - Set of Two Cultured Pearl Necklaces with Beautiful Clasps. Single 14" Strand and Double 16" Strand - Knots
User Time Amount Info
mfg3240 05/28/23 2:22PM $60.00 Proxy bid was was placed for mfg3240 in response to a bid by RchavezND
RchavezND 05/28/23 2:22PM $59.00 RchavezND bid was accepted, but was outbid by mfg3240 using proxy bid.
mfg3240 05/28/23 2:22PM $57.00 Proxy bid was was placed for mfg3240 in response to a bid by RchavezND
RchavezND 05/28/23 2:22PM $56.00 RchavezND bid was accepted, but was outbid by mfg3240 using proxy bid.
mfg3240 05/28/23 1:15PM $52.00 mfg3240 outbid the previous bid by RchavezND
RchavezND 05/21/23 12:38PM $51.00 RchavezND outbid the previous bid by mfg3240
mfg3240 05/21/23 12:38PM $50.00 Proxy bid was placed for mfg3240 in response to a bid by RchavezND
mfg3240 05/21/23 12:38PM $45.00 Proxy bid was was placed for mfg3240 in response to a bid by RchavezND
RchavezND 05/21/23 12:38PM $44.00 RchavezND bid was accepted, but was outbid by mfg3240 using proxy bid.
mfg3240 05/20/23 5:42PM $36.00 Proxy bid was was placed for mfg3240 in response to a bid by RchavezND
RchavezND 05/20/23 5:42PM $35.00 RchavezND bid was accepted, but was outbid by mfg3240 using proxy bid.
mfg3240 05/20/23 12:15PM $23.00 mfg3240 outbid the previous bid by RchavezND
RchavezND 05/20/23 12:15PM $22.00 Proxy bid was placed for RchavezND in response to a bid by mfg3240
RchavezND 05/20/23 12:05PM $5.00 RchavezND placed the starting bid.
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